Hello chefs!
I have been working hard on multiple concepts and now I want to connect you with those opportunities! Please contact me via our contact page or email customerservice@foodbizmentor.com . You can also text the Foodbizmentor.com customer service number: (202) 953-3313
Please submit your name and resume. I would like to meet you on a zoom call and have a one on one interview to make sure you're the right fit for one of the many positions available. We are looking for ALL restaurant/service positions. I will be working primarily with the chefs de cuisines.

We are also looking for:
-Catering cooks (all positions)
-Servers (full service restaurants/ caterers)
-Bartenders (mobile beverage service company)
-Bartenders (lounge )
-Farmers Market representatives
please contact me if you're interested and give me a few days to respond to your message.
I look forward to working with you!